Taking X-Rays, whether with film, phosphor plates or digital sensors, is simpler with the Uni-Grip Universal Disposable Radiography Holder. Unlike other disposable holders on the market, which require multiple units to perform a full mouth x-ray series, you only need one Uni-Grip holder for anterior, posterior and bitewing radiographs. Accomodates any #1 or #2 sized digital sensor, film or phosphor plate. Uni-Grip holders are fast, accurate and it's compact size and rounded corners are easy on the patient.
Uni-Grip 360, 50 Pack Digital Sensor Holders
Code: 55-0052
Uni-Grip, 50 Pack Film & Phosphor Plate Holders
Code: 55-0055
Uni-Grip 360, Digital Sensor Combo Pack
Code: 55-0252
Uni-Grip, Film & Phosphor Plates Combo Pack
Code: 55-0255
Uni-Grip, AR Positioning Arm & Ring
Code 55-0100